Happy Birthday Jo!

My brother and I never got along when we were growing up. The pre-teens us were the more flying-fists-and-pokey-pencils-and-the-marks-they-left-behind kind of siblings than playing-together-nicely-sharing-everything ones.

As teenagers and young adults we were so busy defining and enjoying ourselves that we left each other’s hair, arms and legs alone. Peace and quiet reigns after 12 years in the Tans’ flat.

Before we knew it, we grew up, found love, got married and added little ones to our little families.

20131201-081539.jpg Today, my childhood sparring-partner-turned-supportive brother, welcoming brother-in-law, filial son, caring uncle, loving husband and devoted father celebrates his 36th year.

20131201-183214.jpg Happy birthday dear brother. Hope you enjoyed the little party as much as I enjoyed putting it together 🙂 Here’s to many more good years and celebrations to come!



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